Nowadays online shopping has become really simple, and often very convenient. You can buy anything, from a garment to infusions and diet bars, cosmetici, domestic appliances, books, stays, and whoever has more has more. Tuttavia, all that glitters is not gold: if you don't learn how to shop online accurately it is possible to run into some rip-off. This is why we thought of collecting some advices to avoid nasty surprises, and make online shopping an always pleasant and satisfying experience:

  • compare offers for the same item;
  • always read reliable reviews;
  • be wary of far-fetched offers;
  • check delivery times;
  • inquire about the return policy.

Compare offers for the same item

It often happens that the same item is sold on different sites. Advice, pertanto, is that of to evaluate always what it is the best offer. Take the necessary time to research and compare the sellers' proposals. Haste will not be a good friend in this circumstance, while doing some more research will allow you to save. Maybe you'll save yourself the cost of postage, or you will find that item at a discount of 50% on the third site where you look for it!

Always read reliable reviews

When you want to buy a product online that you have never bought before, there is help that you shouldn't miss: that given by reviews. Reviews left by other customers can really solve many of your doubts, and tell you what the best choice is. Tuttavia, you have to consider that many reviews could be piloted, in particular if present on the site where you are thinking of purchasing the product. This is why they exist, on the other side, review sites very reliable that collect truthful and exhaustive opinions from many users throughout Italy. Before buying a product, check if there are any reviews about it that confirm your positive opinion.

Be wary of far-fetched offers

Probably everyone happened to be tempted by a terrific offer, and then discovered that behind it was a rip off. When it comes to online shopping, being tempted by good advertising is really simple, for this reason it is good to learn to recognize the improbable offers from the actually credible ones. I know, per esempio, a brand new piece of clothing is offered for a few euros, it is very likely that it is a fake garment.

Check delivery times

This particular often goes into the background, and you realize that you have not checked it only once you have made the purchase. There are products that can also be shipped in 24 ore, while for other articles, often depending on the type of site that sells them, even very long times are required (we're even talking about a month or more, in some cases). If you are not in a hurry, then the problem does not arise too much, and there will be only boredom due to the long wait. The situation is different if you want to buy a product to be used soon. Think for example of a swimsuit: buy it in early June and can only wear it in July, perhaps it would not be ideal!

Inquire about the return policy

When buying something online it can happen to don't guess the size, or to receive something that seemed so beautiful on the screen, while we don't really like it that much. In this case it is always good to inquire about the return policy relating to a given product. Before completing a purchase, look for the return section on the website in question. For some products the periods can also be quite long, but watch out for leave the product as intact as possible, without removing labels or anything else that might make it look used. Most of the time it is necessary to fill out a form to be attached to the return package, and often the latter can be free.

You just have to follow these tips to make your online shopping experience better from time to time!


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