Without a doubt our beloved hated “apericena” located in Cocktail o Cocktail Party a worthy ancestor.
It was born in the American upper class of the time, we are around the 1920s.
There is a need to invent a suit suitable for the occasion. Hence the much celebrated Cocktail Dress which he found and still finds worthy interpretation in almost all collections of women's clothes.
A mix between casual wear and the decidedly more demanding and sometimes cumbersome evening dress.
Indeed the cocktail party it is nothing but a party and as such maybe it requires a different look from everyday life. However, let's not get carried away by excessive decorations…. they would risk making us not ridiculous, but out of place anyway.
Ora, for those who find themselves having frequent occasions of this kind or for those who are there “invischato” per la prima volta, here are some outfits selected just for you by Magazzino26.


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